
To change ant design button border radius in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. Use CSS style attribute and make border-radius 50px.


In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library, with the use css style style={{borderRadius:'50px'}}.

      <Button style={{borderRadius:'50px'}} type="primary">BorderRadius Button</Button>


In this example, we will import the button component from the ant library, and with use <div> element with CSS style style={{borderRadius:'50px'}}, button component as a primary type of ant design library.

Let’s start coding…


import { Button } from 'antd';

function App() {
  return (
      <Button style={{borderRadius:'50px'}} type="primary">BorderRadius Button</Button>
export default App;


Ant-design, button

Here, we are provided code sandbox links for the above program change ant design button border radius. Then you can use whenever you went and do the changes as per your requirements.


Happy Coding,

I hope the above example with help you to do your task.