
To display the date in React, we have the following ways

  1. Using the toString() Method, it will convert the date object into a string and print it in the UI.
  2. Using the toLocaleDateString() method, it will convert the date object into a string with a format in US style.
  3. Using the toDateString() method, it will convert the date object into a string formatted.
  4. Using the moment method, will allow the format date in your desired format.


In this snippet, we will see a short example of all the above discuss methods to show date objects in React UI.

<p>Display date object</p>
<p>{date.toString()}</p>  // Fri Dec 16 2022 21:27:53 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

<p>Using toLocaleDateString</p>
<p>{date.toLocaleDateString()}</p> // 12/16/2022

<p>Using toDateString</p>
<p>{date.toDateString()}</p> // Fri Dec 16 2022

<p>Using moment</p>
<p>{moment(date).format("DD/MM/YYYY")}</p> // 16/12/2022


In this example, we will use all the above methods to display dates in react UI using react state and date formatting packages.

Let’s start coding…

import React, { useState } from "react";
import moment from "moment";

function CurrentDate() {
  const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date());

  return (
      <p>Display date object</p>

      <p>Using toLocaleDateString</p>

      <p>Using toDateString</p>

      <p>Using moment</p>

export default CurrentDate;


Display, Date
