How to make button as link in ant design in react js?

Solution To make button as link in ant design in react js, first, install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use the button component with href attribute and put your link in href attribute value. The button component will behave like a link. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button as link component of ant design library, with href attribute and put your link in href attribute value....

February 1, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

how to clear value of ant design autocomplete in react js?

Solution To clear the value of ant design to autocomplete in react js, use the allowClear={true} attribute it will show a small clear icon at the right side of autocomplete and when anyone clicks on it will clear autocomplete value. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of use autocomplete component from ant design library. <AutoComplete options={options} style={{ width: 200 }} onSelect={onSelect} onSearch={onSearch} placeholder="input here" allowClear={true} /> Example In this example, we will import the AutoComplete component from the antd library, use the AutoComplete component, and pass the allowClear attribute into the AutoComplete component....

January 28, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

how to make alert with close icon using ant design in react js?

Solution To make an alert with a close icon using ant design in react js, first install the ant design library using the npm install antd command and install the ant design icon library using the npm install --save @ant-design/icons command then import Alert and closeable a boolean property whose value is set to true. which means the user can turn off the alert. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of antd Alert component with the closeable attribute....

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make ant design autocomplete with multiple selection option in react js?

Solution To make ant design autocomplete with multiple selection options in react js, first install the ant design library using the npm install antd command and then import and use the Select component with the mode attribute with the multiple value. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of dropdown with multiple selection options. <Select mode="multiple" allowClear style={{ width: '100%', }} placeholder="Please select" defaultValue={['a10', 'c12']} onChange={handleChange} options={options} /> Example In this example, we will import Select and Space from antd library, with in Space component with space setting i will write Select component with mode="multiple" option....

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make accordion using ant design in react js?

Solution To make accordion using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command then import and use Collapse component from it. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of use Collapse and Panel component from ant design library. <div style={{ display: "block", width: 700, padding: 30 }} > <h4>Accordion using ant design in react js</h4> <Collapse> <Panel header="Accordion using Ant Design" key="1"> <p>Accordion using Ant Design in react js</p> </Panel> <Panel header="Computer Science" key="2"> <p>This is Best computer Science Portal</p> </Panel> </Collapse> </div> Example In this example, we will import the Collapse component from antd library, use the Panel component, and provide attribute details to make accordion using ant design....

January 25, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make button group using ant design in react js?

Solution To make button group using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library. <Button.Group> <Button type="primary">Button 1</Button> <Button type="primary">Button 2</Button> </Button.Group> Example In this example, we will import the button component from the ant library, and use button component as a primary type of ant design library....

January 23, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to add custom icon in ant design alert in react js?

Solution To add a custom icon in the ant design alert in react js, use the icon attribute and pass your desired icon in the attribute the alert component will show in the UI. Make sure you have added showIcon={true} in your alert component. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of use alert component with icon from ant design library. <Alert message="Success Text" type="success" showIcon icon={<CheckOutlined />} style={{ margin: '30px', }}/> Example In this example, we will import the alert component from the antd library, use the icon component in the alert icon attribute, and provide attribute details to add a custom icon appearance....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to change ant design button color in react js?

Solution To change ant design button color in react js, first, install ant design library using npm install antd command, and use inline css style={{backgroundColor: "red"}} to change the color of the button. Snippet In this snippet, we will use inline css style={{backgroundColor: "red"}} to change the color of the button. <div> <Button type="primary" style={{ backgroundColor: "red" }}>Primary</Button> </div> Example In this example, we will improt the button component from the ant library, and the use of div element and button component use is simple text and type="primary"is a ant design and use inline css style={{backgroundColor: "red"}} to change the color of the button....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make button using ant design in react js?

Solution To make button using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component ant design library. <div> <Button type="primary">Primary</Button> </div> Example In this example, we will import the button component from the ant library, and use button component as a primary type of ant design library....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make avatar using ant design in react js?

Solution To make avatar using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command and install ant design icon library using npm install --save @ant-design/icons command then import and use avatar component from it. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of use avatar component from ant design library. <div> <Avatar size={64} icon={<UserOutlined />} /> <Avatar shape="square" size={64} icon={<UserOutlined />} /> </div> Example In this example, we will import the avatar component from antd library, use the avatar component, and provide attribute details to change avatar’s appearance....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make autocomplete using ant design in react js?

Solution To make autocomplete using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command and then import AutoComplete from it and use to create autocomplete using ant design. Snippet In this snippet, this is short example of make autocomplete component from the antd library. import { AutoComplete, Input } from 'antd'; <AutoComplete options={options} style={{ width: 200, }} onSelect={onSelect} onSearch={handleSearch} > <TextArea placeholder="input here" className="custom" style={{ height: 50, }} onKeyPress={handleKeyPress} /> </AutoComplete> Example In this example, we will import autocomplete from antd library, create autocomplete component, and provide appropriate data to make autocomplete....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make avatar with dropdown using ant design in react js?

Solution To make avatar with dropdown using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command and install ant design icon library using npm install --save @ant-design/icons command. Then make a dropdown component and add avatar component with in ant design. Snippet In this snippet, We are provided and example of using ant design dropdown component with avatar. <Dropdown overlay={<WidgetMenu />}> <Avatar icon={<UserOutlined />} /> </Dropdown> Example In this example, we will import import { Avatar, Menu, Dropdown } from "antd"; then use this code <Dropdown overlay={<WidgetMenu />}> <Avatar icon={<UserOutlined />} /> </Dropdown> make avatar with dropdown using ant design in react js....

January 16, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make alert with auto close using ant design in react js?

Solution To alert with auto close using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command and then use it will allow auto close alert in default. Snippet In this snippet, we will use{ message: Notification ${placement}}) and make alert with auto close using ant design.{ message: `Notification ${placement}`, description: <Context.Consumer>{({ name }) => `Hello, ${name}!`}</Context.Consumer>, placement, }); Example In this example, we will import icon, button, notification, space etc....

January 15, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make ant design alert in react js?

Solution To make ant design alert in react js, first install ant design npm install antd and use in your code, use <Alert message="Success Text" type="success" />. it will make ant design alert in react js. Snippet In this snippet, we will use an alert component with a message of Success Text, a variant of Success, and a margin of 30 pixels. <Alert message="Success Text" type="success" style={{ margin: '30px', }}/> Example In this example, we will import the alert from antd library, and use Alert component....

January 13, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to convert array to string in React js?

Solution To convert array to string in react js, use join() method for array of string, number and use JSON.stringify() for array of object. join() Method The join() method creates and returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in an array (or an array-like object), separated by commas or a specified separator string. JSON.stringify() method The JSON.stringify() static method converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string, optionally replacing values if a replacer function is specified or optionally including only the specified properties if a replacer array is specified....

January 10, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to import font in styled components

Solution To import font in styled components, first you have to put font file in your project font directory .Then use react import statement to import font file and use it in your style css. For google font, first of all you have to type google font on google. Here choose the font of your choice, Select its boldness and italic. When you click on the download button it is downloaded in a zip file, then it is opened in the extrat to folder....

January 9, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to use font face in styled components

Solution To use font face in styled component, you have to import create globlestyle from style component and with in createGlobalStyle. You have to mention @font-face thats how you can use font face in style component. For google font, first of all you have to type google font on google. Here choose the font of your choice, Select its boldness and italic. When you click on the download button it is downloaded in a zip file, then it is opened in the extract to folder....

January 8, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to target child element in styled components

Solution To target child element in styled components, you have pass styled components & p and & span. Snippet In this snippet, we will use styled components, with target child element,& p {color: red;},and & span{font-weight:bold;} to change font color. const Header = styled.header` padding: 10px; margin: 0 auto; & p { color: red; & span { font-weight: bold; } } Example In this example, we will styled componets library and create target child element using styled css, & p {color: red;}, & span{font-weight:bold;}....

January 7, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to zoom background image in styled components

Solution To zoom background image in styled components, you have to define a styled div element using the styled function from styled components, we will use a background image with css class set height: 300px and width: 300px. Snippet In this snippet, we will see add background image in styled components and use css style background : url (’logo192.png’) and set the &:hover. const StyledDiv = styled.div` background: url("logo192.png") no-repeat center; background-size: contain; height: 300px; width: 300px; border: 5px solid; &:hover { height: 80vh; width: 80vw; } `; Example In this example, we will import styled componets library and uses it to define a new component called StyledDiv, as the background image set file logo192....

January 6, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to add class in styled components

Solution To add class in styled components, you have to pass styled css component in styled function and use class any css property.. Snippet In this snippet, we will see add style button element and styled css class name &.my-class set the background color is red and the text color white. const Button = styled.button` &.my-class { color: white; background: red; border-color: red; } Example In this example, we will import styled components library and uses it to add the class name &....

January 5, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer