How to create checkbox using ant design in react js?

Solution To create checkbox using ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use the checkbox component from it. Whenever checkbox input is checked or unchecked then onchange function is triggered. Snippet In this snippet, see small example for using Checkbox component of Ant design library, with use of onChange={onChange} attribute. <Checkbox onChange={onChange}>Checkbox</Checkbox>; Example In this example, we will import the Checkbox component from the ant library....

February 20, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get selected value of ant design autocomplete in react js?

Solution To get selected value of ant design autocomplete in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import autocomplete component from it, with this code use the onChange={(e) => setSelectedValue(e)} and get selected value of ant design to autocomplete in react js. . Snippet In this snippet, see a short example of the useState hook used to create the {selectedValue} state variable and the setSelectedValue function to update its value....

February 19, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

how to add image in ant design carousel in react js?

Solution To add image in ant design carousel in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import carousel component from it. You have to use the img element with in the carousel. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use Carousel component of ant design library, with the use Array function and <div> element set in <img src={image.url} alt={image.description} style={{ width: '300px', height: '200px' }} />....

February 17, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to use goTo of ant design carousel in react js?

Solution To use goTo of ant design carousel in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import carousel component from it. You have to use the ref={carouselRef} component. Snippet In this snippet, see a short example for using the carousel component of the ant design library to set the background color and height from inline css, with the use of the <div> element and the <h3> element....

February 16, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to change height of ant design carousel in react js?

Solution To change height of ant design carousel in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command, import Carousel component from it. You have to use inline style style={{ backgroundColor: 'yellow', height: 400 }} to change height in Carousel. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use Carousel component of ant design library, with the use <div> element and <h3> with the style={{ height: 400 }} same hight Carousel should give....

February 15, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to create ant design carousel with dots in react js?

Solution To create ant design carousel with dots in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import Carousel component from it. You have to create dots button in Carousel by css style .slick-dots li button. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to create dots button in Carousel by css style .slick-dots li button in width: 6px !important;, height: 6px !important;, border-radius: 100% !important; giving makes dots button...

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make button with tooltip in ant design in react js?

Solution To make button with tooltip in ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use the button component from it. You have to use the button component in the tooltip component. Then the tooltip will show on the button. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library, with the use tooltip component with the title prop set to text....

February 12, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make ant design button with icon in react js?

Solution To make ant design button with icon in react js, first, install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. And put the icon in button icon attribute. Then it will show an icon on the left side a button. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use the button component of ant design library. with the use of this code icon={<StepBackwardOutlined />} make button with an icon....

February 11, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to change ant design button height in react js?

Solution To change ant design button height in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. We have used style attribute to height 50% to change the height of button. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use the button component of ant design library. with the use of this code icon={<StepBackwardOutlined />} make button with an icon....

February 10, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make button full width in ant design in react js?

Solution To make button full width in ant design in react js, first, install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. To put full width in the button, use the style width 100% and block attribute, then it will make the button full width. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library. with the use css style component style={{width: '100%'}}....

February 9, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make button dropdown in ant design in react js?

Solution To make button dropdown in ant design in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and then put the button component in the dropdown component. So it will display like button dropdown. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library. with the use <Dropdown> component and menu={{items,}} to make a button dropdown. <Dropdown menu={{ items, }} placement="bottom" arrow > <Button type="primary">bottom</Button> </Dropdown> Example In this example, we will import the button and dropdown component from the ant library....

February 8, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to disabled ant design button in react js?

Solution To disabled ant design button in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. By setting disabled prop to true, there will be no response on clicking the button. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library. with the use of disabled prop, We will make the button unclickable. To make the color of the button blue, set the type to primary....

February 7, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to align center ant design button in react js?

Solution To align center ant design button in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. We have used style attribute to set align center in it Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library, with the use css style component display of flex, justifyContent of center, and alignitems of center. Then we will show you in button center....

February 5, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to change ant design button background color in react js?

Solution To change ant design button background color in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. We have used style attribute to change the background color in it. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library, with the use css style style={{backgroundColor: 'pink'}}. <div> <Button style={{backgroundColor: 'pink'}}>BackgroundColor</Button> </div> Example In this example, we will import the button component from the ant library, and use the <div> element with CSS style style={{backgroundColor: 'pink'}}....

February 4, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to change ant design button border radius in react js?

Solution To change ant design button border radius in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use button component from it. Use CSS style attribute and make border-radius 50px. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library, with the use css style style={{borderRadius:'50px'}}. <div> <Button style={{borderRadius:'50px'}} type="primary">BorderRadius Button</Button> </div> Example In this example, we will import the button component from the ant library, and with use <div> element with CSS style style={{borderRadius:'50px'}}, button component as a primary type of ant design library....

February 3, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to align right ant design button in react js?

Solution To align right ant design button in react js, first install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use the button component from it. and use the style attribute to align the right. Then the button will show on the right side.. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button component of ant design library, with use CSS style style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}....

February 2, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make button as link in ant design in react js?

Solution To make button as link in ant design in react js, first, install ant design library using npm install antd command import and use the button component with href attribute and put your link in href attribute value. The button component will behave like a link. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example to use button as link component of ant design library, with href attribute and put your link in href attribute value....

February 1, 2023 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

how to clear value of ant design autocomplete in react js?

Solution To clear the value of ant design to autocomplete in react js, use the allowClear={true} attribute it will show a small clear icon at the right side of autocomplete and when anyone clicks on it will clear autocomplete value. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of use autocomplete component from ant design library. <AutoComplete options={options} style={{ width: 200 }} onSelect={onSelect} onSearch={onSearch} placeholder="input here" allowClear={true} /> Example In this example, we will import the AutoComplete component from the antd library, use the AutoComplete component, and pass the allowClear attribute into the AutoComplete component....

January 28, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

how to make alert with close icon using ant design in react js?

Solution To make an alert with a close icon using ant design in react js, first install the ant design library using the npm install antd command and install the ant design icon library using the npm install --save @ant-design/icons command then import Alert and closeable a boolean property whose value is set to true. which means the user can turn off the alert. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of antd Alert component with the closeable attribute....

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to make ant design autocomplete with multiple selection option in react js?

Solution To make ant design autocomplete with multiple selection options in react js, first install the ant design library using the npm install antd command and then import and use the Select component with the mode attribute with the multiple value. Snippet In this snippet, see the short example of dropdown with multiple selection options. <Select mode="multiple" allowClear style={{ width: '100%', }} placeholder="Please select" defaultValue={['a10', 'c12']} onChange={handleChange} options={options} /> Example In this example, we will import Select and Space from antd library, with in Space component with space setting i will write Select component with mode="multiple" option....

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer