How to set value in input type date in React js?

Solution To set value in input type date in React, pass your date into value attribute of input type date. it will show your pass date as a selected date. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see short example to set value in input type date. <input type="date" onChange={(e) => setDate(e....

December 30, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to convert date to UTC in React js?

Solution To convert date to UTC in React, use toISOString() method it will convert date to UTC and return utc date string. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see short example to convert date into utc date. // Current Date to UTC Date const ISOdate = new Date().toISOString(); console.log("Current Date to UTC: ", ISOdate) // Current Date to UTC: 2022-12-29T13:42:30....

December 29, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get day from date in React js?

Solution To get day from date in React, you can use the getDay() method it will return number between 0 to 6, with 0 representing Sunday, 1 representing Monday, and so on. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see short example to get day from date in react js....

December 28, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get current date in React js?

Solution To get current date in React, you can use the new Date() object it will return current date & time based on system timezone. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see short example to genrate current date in react js. const date = new Date(); console.log("Date", date.toLocaleDateString()) // 12/27/2022 Example In this example, we will write a react js code to get current date and show in the React UI....

December 27, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to disable future date in datepicker in React js?

Solution To disable future date in datepicker in React, you can use the max attribute you have to just pass your date in YYYY-MM-DD. Note: Your date should formated like this YYYY-MM-DD. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see short example to disable future date using max attribute. <input type="date" onChange={(e) => setDate(e....

December 26, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get hours and minutes from date in React js?

Solution To get hours and minutes from date in React, you can use the getHours() and getMinutes() methods it will return hours and minutes from date. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see a short example to get hours and minutes from date. const date = new Date(); const hours = date....

December 24, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get selected date from datepicker in React js?

Solution To get selected date from the date picker in React, you can use the onChange() attribute with the setState() method then you can easily get selected from datepicker. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see a short example to get the value of the input type date ( datepicker )....

December 23, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to disable previous date in input type date in React js?

Solution To disable previous date in input type date in React, you can use the min attribute you have to just pass your date in YYYY-MM-DD. Note: Your date should formated like this YYYY-MM-DD. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will see short example to disable previous date using min attribute....

December 22, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to convert epoch time to date in React js?

Solution To convert epoch time to date in React, you can use the new Date() method which will return epoch time as a date object. To format a date you can read my below article, here I have explained multiple ways to format a date. Snippet In this snippet, we will take epoch time and use new Date() to convert in date. // Get epoch time const epochTime = 1609459200000; // This is Fri Jan 01 2021 in epoch time // convert epoch time to date const date = new Date(epochTime); console....

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to calculate age from date of birth in React js?

Solution To calculate age from date of birth in React, you can use moment library diff() method. You have to use just like it currentDate.diff(dobDate, 'years') and it will return differance year between currentDate and dobDate. Snippet In this snippet, we will create take current date and date of birth date. Apply moment library diff() method with years parameter to get differance year. // Get the current date let currentDate = moment(new Date()); // Get date of birth date let dobDate = moment(new Date('1999-12-31')); // get no of year let year = currentDate....

December 19, 2022 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to add days in date in React js?

Solution To add days in date in React, you can use date setDate() method it will add days as per your desired number. new Date().setDate() The setDate() method changes the day of the month of a given Date instance, based on local time. new Date().getDate() The getDate() method returns the day of the month for the specified date according to local time. Snippet In this snippet, we will create a date object and add 3 days in date....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to display date in React js?

Solution To display the date in React, we have the following ways Using the toString() Method, it will convert the date object into a string and print it in the UI. Using the toLocaleDateString() method, it will convert the date object into a string with a format in US style. Using the toDateString() method, it will convert the date object into a string formatted. Using the moment method, will allow the format date in your desired format....

December 16, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to compare two dates in React js?

Solution To compare two dates in React, you can use the JavaScript Date object with the getTime() method, and use the comparison operator to compare dates. Snippet In this snippet, we will create two date object with getTime() method, use comparison operator, and print the which date is earlier and letter. const date1 = new Date('2022-12-15'); const date2 = new Date('2022-12-16'); if (date1.getTime() < date2.getTime()) { console.log("date1 is earlier than date2"); } else if (date1....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get current date without time in React js?

Method 1: Using toLocaleDateString() Solution To get the current date without time in react js, you can use the .toLocaleDateString() function which can have the power to format date based on the country and much more. Snippet In this snippet, we will see multiple short example of using toLocaleDateString() to get date without time. const date = new Date(); // Convert the date to a string in the desired format const dateString1 = date....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get yesterday date in React js?

Solution To get yesterday’s date in React, you can use JavaScript’s built-in Date object. First, create a Date object for the current date and time using the new Date() constructor. Then, use the setDate() method to subtract one day from the date. This method takes the number of days to add or subtract as an argument, so to subtract one day you can pass in -1. Here is an example of how to do this:...

November 28, 2022 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get current year in React js?

Solution To get the current month in react js, use the new Date().getFullYear() it will return the current year. getFullYear() The getFullYear() method returns the year of the specified date according to local time. Snippet In this snippet, we will create a date object and get a current year from it. const date = new Date(); let year = date.getFullYear(); // 2022 ( Sample Output ) Example In this example, we will show the current year in the console and page in react js....

November 24, 2022 · 1 min · The Unknown Developer

How to get current month in React js?

Solution To get current month in react js, use the new Date().getMonth() it will return 0 to 11 number, where 0 is January and 11 is December. To get current month name in react js, use new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { month: "long" }).format(date) method it will return month name and you don’t have to install any package for it. getMonth() The getMonth() method returns the month in the specified date according to local time, as a zero-based value (where zero indicates the first month of the year)....

November 16, 2022 · 2 min · The Unknown Developer